134 Dickens Street
Napier City

Phone: +64-6-8336004

Click on the icon to download the required tool.

System Information for Windows System Information for Windows
CPU-Z System Information CPU-Z System Information
Keyfinder for Windows Keyfinder for Windows

REGISTRY - Disable Opportunistic Locking on Server REGISTRY - Disable Opportunistic Locking on Server
REGISTRY - Disable Opportunistic Locking on Windows Client REGISTRY - Disable Opportunistic Locking on Windows Client
REGISTRY - Disable SMB2 Networking REGISTRY - Disable SMB2 Networking
REGISTRY - Enable SMB2 Networking REGISTRY - Enable SMB2 Networking
DEFAULT - Blank Office files (doc*/xls*/ppt*) for default file associations DEFAULT - Blank Office files (doc*/xls*/ppt*) for default file associations

DisplayLink Manager Graphics Connectivity (1.9) for macOS 10.15/11-14 alpha DisplayLink Manager Graphics Connectivity (1.9) for macOS 10.15/11-14 alpha
Unitek USB to Dual Serial port drivers Drivers for Y-106 Unitek USB to Dual Serial ports

Windows 10 64bit ISO Image Windows 10 64bit ISO Image
Mail Password Recovery Mail Password Recovery
Delay Start for Mac Delay Start for Mac
Blackmagic Disk Speed Test for Mac Blackmagic Disk Speed Test for Mac
Disk Inventory X 1.3 for Mac Disk Inventory X 1.3 for Mac
jiggler 1.9 for Mac Jiggler 1.9 for Mac

1MB 10MB 100MB 1GB

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